The basis of its working principle is that the vertical, horizontal or angled cutting process with its self-railed automatic walk enables the diamond wire to be rotated around the block marble with the help of a pulley; the block is cut and separated. When the machine starts, the motor moves the motor shaft and turns the pulley and the marble block is cut in the desired direction with the help of diamond wire. The slack in the wire during cutting is automatically removed by the travel motors. Thus, the cutting process is completed. During the cutting process in the electric diamond wire block cutting machine, water is sent to the cutting area with hoses and can be used with the help of a valve. Thanks to the water, the cutting tool (Diamond Wire) is prevented from overheating and the marble dust is removed from the cutting area. Since the machine is subject to the rail system within its structure, it also eliminates the elements of rail transport, feeding and cutting. While the machine is performing cutting activity, it eliminates the problem of waiting for the activity while working with the automatic control method. Thanks to the design of the machine, the working cutting mechanism is far from dust and mud, thus minimizing the problems of loss of work and performing cutting activities between 30% and 50% faster than our other rail machines.



Technical Specifications

Engine Type
Electric, 55-75 kW, 80-100 hp, 380 V, 1000 rpm
Walking System 1.1 kW, 380 V, 1500 rpm, Automatic Adjustable Motor
Machine start-Up  Inverter Controls or Star-Delta
Wire to be used Diamond
Cutting Speed 10–20 m² per hour
Wire Rotation Capacity 80 – 120 m
Working Angle 180°  All positions
Machine Working Position Adjustment 3-Legged Piston
Motor Skid Shift 10-20 cm
Rotation Controls Speed Adjusment with Inverter or 100 rpm with Star-Delta
Rail Length 5.2 m
Water Need 500 lt/h
Main Flywheel Diameter 80 cm
Direction Flywheel Diameter 30 cm, 2 pieces
Working Type Self Railed Automatic Walking, Side-Inclined-Botom-Top Cutting, Auto Stop at Cut End
Total Weight  3300 kg
Diemsions (Lenght × Width × Height) 6.6 m × 2.4 m × 1.65 m

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